Aims & Objectives


At MODERN INSTITUTE, education empowers to achieve their full potential; teaching and motivating them to become mature, discerning adults. Our educational philosophy is based on a strong value-centered education which lays great on the moral and spiritual development of the student. All students are cherished equally by encouraging each one to shine in his own particular way, be it in academics, cultural activities, we strive to develop and promote a pluralistic, multicultural society within the institute, to be taken forward by the student into the world. We encourage the student to “Shine to Outshine” and give them varied opportunities to build self-esteem and write their own destiny.


At large the world scenario is fast changing and in keeping with the times our education system is also evolving. Every effort is being made at Modern Institute of Biology not only to face the challenges but to “Shine To Outshine”. Presently the opportunities are galore for the Endeavoring and Enterprising, Innovative, and Inventive students. The world beckons to you, but you must go out like a Knight in Armor. Donned with Determination, Perseverance, Courage and will to Dare. You owe no one as much as you owe yourself. You owe to yourself the action that opens for you the doors to the goodness, the variety, and the excitement of effort and success, of Battle and victory. Making payment on this debt to yourself is the exact opposite of selfishness.


At MODERN INSTITUTE, education empowers to achieve their full potential; teaching and motivating them to become mature, discerning adults. Our educational philosophy is based on a strong value-centered education which lays great on the moral and spiritual development of the student. All students are cherished equally by encouraging each one to shine in his own particular way, be it in academics, cultural activities, we strive to develop and promote a pluralistic, multicultural society within the institute, to be taken forward by the student into the world. We encourage the student to “Shine to Outshine” and give them varied opportunities to build self-esteem and write their own destiny.

So let it be Written…So let it be done !!!!!